Monday, December 2, 2019

Siblings direct and indirect contributions to Child

Children who grow with their siblings acquire numerous functional skills. Nevertheless, not every acquired skill is helpful to them. As children grow with their siblings, direct and indirect influence is inevitable. Therefore, this paper seeks to summarize in a simplest way possible the direct and indirect contributions of siblings to child development. In addition, it seeks to present new things that are learnt, what is surprising, and what is interesting from the article.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Siblings’ direct and indirect contributions to Child specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Siblings influence one another in various ways as they interact; the influence is either positive or negative depending on the behavior acquired. This interaction affects child’s mental activities, language, and awareness of other peoples’ likes and dislikes; they also learn values which are accepted by the society. Edward asserts that â€Å"siblings play a role in promoting this ability to reflect on the mind of others and to begin to gain an understanding of other’s actions and thoughts† (8). When older siblings learn to simplify household tasks, they teach the younger ones which benefit them significantly. This creates a rapport within the family and during the conflict, siblings will stand united. Nonetheless, senior siblings directly disseminate negative behavior on the younger ones. For instance, when older siblings learn negative behavior and consequently, teach their younger ones; this has a direct impact on their psychological capacity and behavioral wise. This is the reason why siblings require close watch by their parents. Elderly siblings contribute indirectly to the development of their younger siblings in many ways. For example, if older siblings assume teaching roles and accordingly improve academically as well as in keeping good relationships, such siblin gs are loved by parents and teacher; this creates an impression on the parents that the subsequent siblings will demonstrate equal capacities. This anticipation makes the parent to treat younger siblings with much expectation. The way some siblings are treated by their parents, affects other siblings. Those siblings who receive less attention from their parents are found to have behavior problems than those who are well attended. Child’s individual understanding of how parent treat other siblings is essential for their development. This article has generated different feelings, which cannot be ignored. From this article I have learnt that older children influence parenting roles which determine how they treat the subsequent children. I have also become conscious that siblings improve their capabilities by serving their young ones though this should be under the watch of parents because if this occupies them a lot they may fail in other obligations.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It’s surprising how siblings shape one another character as they grow. When the older siblings learn good behavior, they pass this to their young ones and without being aware they influence their development. However, it is necessary to scrutinize other factors that may contribute to the child’s development besides siblings and parents. For example, religion contribution in the child’s development is an area to be considered. This is because children who are born in a religious family acquire traits that are in accordance with that religion. Works Cited Edward, Joyce. The Sibling Relationship: A force for Growth and Conflict, United Kingdom: Jahnson Aronson, 2011. Print. This essay on Siblings’ direct and indirect contributions to Child was written and submitted by user Geraldine Flynn to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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